
Respectful and fair: this is how we characterise our interactions with each other

Work that is appreciated

For us, appreciation is more than just a well-equipped workplace, bonuses, performance-related pay or a share of our profits. Our adessi have a true sense of team spirit and know that they can rely on fairness and respect. We show our appreciation every day.

Have you completed a project milestone or are you looking forward to a company anniversary? Christmas and summer parties strengthen our sense of community. There are good reasons to party together. At adesso, we find reasons all year round!

You can expect to receive rewards and congratulations. For example, we like to give gifts to congratulate you on private life events. But we also know that life is not only good times, and we’re always there for you.

We have a social commitment and sponsor numerous projects in the community. Above all, we sponsor educational projects to give opportunities to children and young people, thereby making our own contribution to society.

We sensitise our employees to environmental issues and handle our resources sparingly. adesso is ISO 14001 certified. And we pay attention to the small things too: We only ever use green energy sources and fair-trade coffee.

Free cleaning service for shirts and blouses? Check. Credit card fees paid? Check. Free drinks and snacks? Check. And not to mention our corporate benefits offering special conditions for online shops and much more besides.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
