Further education

Profiting from knowledge — we lay the foundations

“adesso offers an amazing range of training and education measures. There’s something for everyone.”

Dr. Nhiem Lu, Managing Consultant

In 2016 2648 training course participations

In 2016 434 training days

In 2016 269 training courses

In our training program, you can choose from more than 120 different options, ranging from technological and methodical knowledge of the foundations for beginners to technical knowledge of our core industries, software solutions, or project management. We also work directly on improving your soft skills.

To ensure you set off on the right foot on your management career path, we offer the ideal preparation. With our two-year academy program, we extend your knowledge and further develop your professional capabilities. adesso goes beyond simply building up your knowledge and skills. Our Academy thrives on discussion and cooperation of participants from the whole adesso group. This enables you to network throughout the whole corporation.

We offer two pathways to success: the architect pathway and the project manager pathway. Our software architects start with small projects that they define and implement themselves. You can become a Senior Software Architect and then progress to Principal Software Architect who leads others, or works on several projects in parallel to the architecture. As a project manager, you may then progress to become a Senior Project Manager.

As speakers or participants at trade fairs and events such as OOP, JAX, and W-JAX, we’ll be there.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.


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