
Technology and research partners

adesso counts on different cooperations in technology and research to meet the requirements of being the technology leader and to develop this role. This way it is possible for us to be at the cutting edge.

Research Partners

adesso relies on the close cooperation with universities and scientific institutes. Our network of experts is thus able to actively live the know-how transfer between research and practice and vice versa. Together with our research partners we constantly elaborate on our up-to-date IT-knowledge, which then finds itself reflected in our services.

  • Universität Duisburg-Essen, Ruhr Institute for Software Technology
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund, Fachgebiet Softwaretechnik
  • Technische Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Informatik
  • Ruhr Universität Bochum, Fachbereich IMTM (Informations- und Technikmanagement)
  • Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Softwaretechnik
  • Fachhochschule Stralsund, Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung.
  • Technische Universität Wien, Distributed Software Group (DSG)
  • Technische Hochschule Wildau
  • Technische Universität Berlin
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Kiel University
  • University of Ulm
  • University of Zurich, Department of Informatics
  • Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaretechnik GmbH (HPI)
  • InfAI, Institut für angewandte Informatik

Research Projects

Standing still is the same as going backwards – this adage applies to implementing IT projects in particular, so it is even more important to think now about tomorrow’s new developments and take steps to actively shape these coming changes. At adesso, we believe research is of crucial importance in the innovation process. Working together with different partners, we contribute to research projects (state funded) with the aim of finding new ways of solving issues and so making a contribution to our customers’ futures. However, we view research as being more important than just that: we are fascinated by new technology, by the prospect of going one step further than what is possible today. As a result, one purpose research fulfils at adesso is to make sure we are always getting better and making progress. You can read a list of our current research products below.


As part of the project, an internet platform for telecommunications services is being developed that enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to access TC services from various providers in a way that achieves the most effective result possible. The aim of Symphony is to allow companies to acquire and compare information on specific performance features of TC services, and then directly book, configure, and combine the appropriate services. As the consortium’s technology partner, adesso has taken on the task of making this internet platform a reality.

  • Funded by Federal Republic of Germany
  • Grant authorities: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) following an Order by the German Federal Parliament
  • Duration: 1 September.2014 to 1 August 2016


Companies are facing a challenge as their workforces age and finding new staff becomes increasingly difficult – the IT sector is no different. In a parallel development, people’s CVs display gaps and frequent career changes as they are forced to become “job nomads”. What impact do these changes in the labour market have on company’s potential to develop innovations? This is the question the collective project Debbi (Diskontinuierliche Erwerbsbiographien als betriebliche Innovationschance, “Non-continuous career paths as an innovation opportunity for companies”) is designed to address.

Playing the role of technology partner, adesso is developing a job profiling tool that uses innovative clustering strategies to highlight new skills profiles and identify untapped potential for innovations.

  • Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research,
  • German European Social Fund,
  • European Union
  • Duration: 1 November 2011 to 30 May 2015


Our BIZWARE project is dedicated to developing a “modelling and software factory” that uses domain-specific language (DSL) and so enables a range of different software applications to be modelled, generated and implemented. The project’s aim is to automate the phases in software development processes so that we are, for example, in a position to use visuals as a modelling aid for workflows, then generate them without having to invest additional work hours and ultimately pass the results on to the end user. As part of a larger project, adesso is currently coordinating the development of a DSL for the reinsurance business, and we are involved in two more subprojects as the partner in charge of the “testing bench” and runtime environment for technical monitoring.

  • Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research,
  • Completed


The increasing mobility of end devices and services alike is causing a shift in the demands placed on data storage. However, there are currently almost no security concepts for new communication paradigms in mixed mobile phone and wireless networks: people can process data both client-side (mobile end devices) and server-side (web services) on any kind of device at any location. There is no longer any way to apply security solutions that are designed with a particular device (anti-virus software), a particular location (firewall) or a particular operating system in mind.

The Sec2 project entails the development of concepts for a secure, ad-hoc on-demand virtual private storage system that can be used to protect data everywhere and on every platform. Data is stored and transmitted in encrypted form, and it is only decrypted on a user’s mobile end device. adesso mobile solutions GmbH is contributing to the project by designing and developing an Android app.

  • Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research,
  • Completed

Technology Partners

adesso boasts very high technical standards and is continually expanding its role as a technology leader. As a result, we also rely on intensive collaboration with technology partners who supplement the range of our services in meaningful ways. This allows us to adopt the best technological approach for each project and implement it with razor-sharp precision. We are proud to partner with the following technology providers:

  • advanced business partner / middleware solutions von Red Hat
  • Backbase
  • Bosch Software Innovations
  • e-Spirit Preferred Partner/ Technology Partner
  • Cloudera
  • IBM Registered Business Partner
  • IREB
  • Itara
  • K2
  • Microsoft CRM Addons
  • Microsoft Gold & Silver Partner:
    • Gold Application Development
    • Gold Application Integration
    • Gold Cloud Customer Relationship Management
    • Gold Collaboration & Content
    • Gold Data Analytics
    • Gold Data Platform
    • Gold Datacenter
    • Silver DevOps
    • Silver Messaging
    • Silver Small & Midmarket Cloud Solutions
  • Nintex
  • Oracle Gold Partner
  • Rubicon
  • SAP Silver Partner
  • Scribe
  • Software AG
  • Tecmasters
  • VMware

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
