Borusan Mannesmann

Streamlining the sales journey

The first industrial enterprise of one of Turkey’s foremost business conglomerates, the Borusan Group, Borusan Mannesmann marked its 60th anniversary in 2018. Having operated with a global vision since its inception, the company merged its operations with Europe’s leading steel and technology firm Salzgitter Mannesmann GMBH in 1998. Its 7 facilities across 3 continents, and high sales volume have placed it on the map as a leading manufacturer in Europe and the world in the steel pipe industry.


Borusan Mannesmann wanted a solution for their customers' and official dealers’ occurring problems and needs, and to maximize the accessibility of their sales managers. adesso created an app that includes the map and list of Borusan Mannesmann official dealers, easy access to Borusan Mannesmann sales managers’ contact information, a customer feedback form, an industry-specific calculator, access to Borusan Mannesmann’s quality certificates and product catalog, product requests through the Price List panel, and a feed with industry news and updates.


The Borusan Mannesmann sales journey and customer communications were streamlined with the app, thanks to increased accessibility of official dealers and sales managers. The MTC documents of the purchased pipes, which used to be handed as hardcopies, can now be accessed through a QR code within the app, ensuring accessibility anywhere and preventing the loss or damage of the documents.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
