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Innovation and human experience are at the heart of the ever-changing world we live in. Identifying meaningful trends that align with fundamental human needs enables innovators to thrive in this fast-paced environment. In this blog post, I will discuss three key trends highlighted at adesso's Digital Day in June 2023 - The Genesis Moment, Simulated Everything and Public Goods.

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Data can help your success in digital product management. This article highlights the significance of data-driven product management, providing a detailed roadmap for such an approach, from data collection to transforming insights into actionable strategies. You will learn the benefits of using data and analytics in decision-making, as well as its key components such as KPIs, data collection, data analysis, and product roadmap prioritization. It concludes with advice on how to mitigate risks in the product development phase, discussing techniques like A/B testing, feature toggles, and staged distribution.

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